Country: BE

Lukas De Clerck is a musician and artist living in Brussels.

His artistic practice is currently centered around the Aulos, an ancient Greco-Roman, double-reeded double pipe, that got extinct more than a millennium ago.

After several years of delving deep in the practice of Aulos reed making and playing replicas of ancient instruments, he opens up his inevitably auto-didact artistic output in a more collaborative, multi-disciplinary way. Following the desire to strip the instrument from its enigmatic past, De Clerck created a new, contemporary Aulos: The Telescopic Aulos of Atlas.

De Clerck’s approach is driven by playful curiosity with a strong interest in the process of transformation.

Lukas De Clerck is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.
