Country: IT

Enrico Malatesta is an Italian percussionist and sound researcher active in the fields of experimental music, sound-territory exploration and performance; his practice explores the relations between sound, space, and body, the vitality of materials and the morphology of surfaces, with particular attention to percussive acts and touch-based listening. Since 2007, Enrico Malatesta has presented his works on tours across Europe, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, the UK, USA and Russia, participating in festivals and special events in venues such as Pirelli HangarBicocca in Milan, Berghain in Berlin, the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, Bourse de Commerce in Paris, Blank Forms in New York.

Enrico Malatesta is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.

Download press photo here (credit – Francesco Caruso, Chiara Lombardi).
