Artists Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst will tackle a complex subject through their project “Detour”, which – in collaboration with SHAPE platform and IRCAM Live – will be presented in the form of a panel discussion as part of Paris’ Biennale Némo on November 25th. The subject is: “Are there alternatives to the dominant musical touring model?”
The summary of the “Detour” project goes like this: “Going through the “plane > hotel > venue > next gig” pattern narrows artist’s creativity and the way they share it with their audience(s). How can we re-think the conventional production processes towards collaborative artworks and new art forms ? Does mobility and going through various territories feed the artistic proposition? How ? ”
Biennale Némo & Ircam Live propose an indicative inventory of possible alternatives, experiences, visions of idealistic relationships between the artist and the audience. Artists from Arcadi and the SHAPE platform (namely, Assimilation Process and Marco Donnarumma) will collaborate with Herndon and Dryhurst on the debate.
As a moderator of this initiative, Jean-Yves Leloup (author of “Digital Magma” and “Musique Non-Stop”) will conduct the conference, and sum up the discussion contributed by artists from various horizons.
Holly Herndon is a computer composer and sound artist based in San Francisco, with roots in classical choral music. Her debut album, “Movement” (2012), was released by Rvng Intl., followed by this year’s “Platform”.
Mat Dryhurst is an artist based in San Francisco. He collaborates with Bill Kouligas’ label PAN, and serves as Director of Programming at Gray Area, an art and technology non-profit. He presents work and speaks regularly both under his own name, and in collaboration with Holly Herndon as KAIRO.
Find out more about this upcoming public discussion here.